Heart attacks are a leading cause of death worldwide, but they often come with warning signs. Recognizing these symptoms early can be lifesaving.
### **Key Warning Signs:**
– **Chest Discomfort:** Pressure, tightness, or pain that may come and go.
– **Shortness of Breath:** Difficulty breathing, even at rest.
– **Unusual Fatigue:** Persistent exhaustion, especially in women.
– **Dizziness or Lightheadedness:** Feeling faint due to poor blood circulation.
– **Nausea or Indigestion:** Can signal heart trouble, particularly in women.
– **Radiating Pain:** Discomfort spreading to the arms, back, neck, or jaw.
– **Cold Sweats:** Sudden sweating without exertion.
### **What to Do**
Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms persist, especially chest pain combined with shortness of breath or radiating pain.
### **Prevention Tips**
– Eat a heart-healthy diet.
– Exercise regularly.
– Manage stress.
– Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol.
– Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol.
### **Conclusion**
Recognizing symptoms and making lifestyle changes can help prevent heart disease and save lives. Stay informed, listen to your body, and prioritize heart health.