Jackie Fedro’s **worst nightmare as a mother** became a reality when her **13-year-old daughter, Gabbie**, suffered a **shocking accident** while using her cellphone.
**In 2016,** Jackie and her husband decided it was time for Gabbie to have a phone so they could stay in touch during her **busy practice schedule**. She received an **LG d500** for Christmas, but **what was meant to be a convenience turned into a terrifying ordeal**.
https://t.co/xJgGqSe2un Setelah diselidiki, menurut sang ibu, Jackie Fedro, Gabbie mengalami kecelakaan itu karena ulahnya yang sedikit ceroboh. Diketahui bahwa Gabbie menelepon ibunya sambil mengisi daya baterai ponselnya. Secara tidak sengaja, tindakan… pic.twitter.com/Xfq92qiaAE
— KONTEN WOW! (@kontenwow) February 8, 2018
One day, while **using her phone while it was plugged in**, Gabbie suddenly screamed and ran downstairs, clutching her **burned neck in pain**. The current had **traveled up the charger cable**, passed through her phone, and **conducted through her metal necklace**, **causing second-degree burns**.
Jackie described the moment as **“the worst feeling in the world”**, seeing her child **in agony and not knowing how to help**. The injury left **a permanent scar**, and now, Jackie is warning other parents about the **hidden dangers of charging devices**.
“With so many kids using phones nowadays, parents need to be warned about the harm that they can cause,” she said.
**This serves as a stark reminder** of the potential risks of electronics—especially when used near **metal objects** or while **plugged in**. **Share this to help spread awareness!**