This couple put out a bunch of Taco Bell on their dinner table and got ready to dig in when, all of a sudden, they died right there on the spot. When police arrived on the scene, they were generally stumped as to what could’ve happened. But they did notice what was right beside the couple’s bodies….Read it below!!

Police are investigating the mysterious de.aths of Cameron (28) and Courtney Hulet (20), found coIIapsed at their kitchen table in Dundee, Michigan, with untouched Taco Bell food nearby.

A neighbor initially thought the couple was asleep but called police when they remained in the same position hours later. No signs of trauma, forced entry, or third-party involvement were found.

Authorities discovered a pound of mar.ijuana on the table, appearing to be prepared for distribution. Toxicology and autopsy results are pending to determine the cause of d. eath.

The couple, who had recently lived in Dundee for six weeks, had their two children removed by Child Protective Services. Cameron had a criminaI history involving mar. ijuana possession and assauIt.

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