Interesting! 😯

Evolution can seem complex, but some of its clearest signs are right in our own bodies. Many features we have today are **leftovers from our ancient ancestors**, even if they no longer serve a real purpose.

### 🧬 Examples of Evolution in Our Bodies:

– **Goosebumps:**
Once useful to our mammal ancestors to keep warm or appear larger when threatened, goosebumps today are just a reflex — a reminder of how our bodies used to adapt to the environment.

– **Animals still show this:**
Think of birds puffing up in winter or a cat fluffing its fur when scared — a shared instinct passed down over time.

### 💪 The Palmaris Longus Tendon:
One fascinating example is a **tendon in our wrist** called the **palmaris longus**, once used by tree-dwelling primates to swing from branches.

– Today, around **10–15% of people no longer have this tendon**, showing evolution in action.
– Want to test yourself? Place your forearm palm-up, touch your pinky to your thumb, and lift your hand slightly. If a tendon pops out in the center of your wrist, you still have it!

Whether you see the tendon or not, you’re carrying visible proof of evolution — either from the **past or the future.**

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