According to her, working topIess shouldn’t be “distracting” as it’s a “natural thing” – more photos and her story in the comments 👇🏻⁡

Shianne Fox, an Australian landscaper, sparked a debate after questioning why men can work shirtless in extreme heat, but women can’t. She expressed frustration on TikTok about being told to keep her shirt on in 40°C heat, while men were allowed to go shirtless, calling it sexist and a double standard.

Fox often wears a bikini top to cope with the heat and believes it’s unfair for women to be treated differently. She’s received mixed reactions—while some support her, others argue dress codes maintain professionalism and safety.

Some female tradeswomen feel Fox’s social media presence harms women’s credibility in the industry. However, Fox remains firm in her goal to encourage more women to join male-dominated fields and challenge outdated norms.

The debate raises bigger questions: should women be allowed the same topless rights as men, or is the real issue breaking into these industries at all?

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