This is the appliance in your home that doubles your electricity bill. It consumes as much in a minute as others do in hours!!👇

**Top 10 Home Appliances That Use the Most Energy**

1. **Air Conditioner (~17%)** – The biggest energy user. Set your thermostat to 75°F when home and 78°F when away to save power.

2. **Space Heating (~15%)** – Use 68°F as your base temperature and lower it to 58-60°F when away to cut costs.

3. **Water Heater (~14%)** – Insulate your tank, lower the temp to 120°F, and use less hot water.

4. **Lighting (~10%)** – Switch to LED bulbs. Replacing just 5 bulbs can save up to $75 per year.

5. **Refrigerator (~7%)** – Clean coils, choose ENERGY STAR models, and consider removing extra fridges.

6. **TVs & Electronics (~7%)** – Use power strips and reduce screen brightness to save energy.

7. **Dryer (~5%)** – Air-dry clothes or use the “cool-down” setting to cut consumption.

8. **Ceiling Fans (~2%)** – Use them to feel cooler or warmer and reduce HVAC usage overall.

9. **Cooking (~1.5%)** – Use the microwave more, skip preheating, or cook outdoors to save energy and reduce heat indoors.

10. **Microwave (~1.1%)** – Microwaves are energy-efficient and prevent extra heat buildup compared to ovens.

> Note: Actual energy use varies by home, climate, and household size. These numbers are averages from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

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