This mother woke up to her dog going nuts in the backyard, so she walked through the kitchen and let the dog in the house. Right away, the dog ran back to the baby’s room and began dragging the little girl towards the front door. The mom was horrified and went to go grab the girl before the dog hurt her — and that’s when she saw what was outside.

Nana Chaichanhda credits her 8-month-old pit bull, Sasha, with saving her family’s lives during a devastating fire. Late one night, Sasha, usually not left outside, began barking and thumping at the door. When Nana opened it, Sasha ran straight to the bedroom where Nana’s 7-month-old baby, Masailah, was sleeping. Nana then noticed a neighboring unit was on fire, rapidly spreading toward her own home.

Sasha had already grabbed Masailah by the diaper, attempting to drag her to safety. Realizing the danger, Nana quickly got her children out and alerted neighbors. Thanks to Sasha’s quick actions, everyone escaped unharmed, though the building was destroyed.

Nana reflected on the special bond between Sasha and Masailah, who were born days apart, saying, “I owe my life to Sasha.” The neighborhood also expressed their gratitude for Sasha’s heroic actions, recognizing the pit bull as a true lifesaver.

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