This man definitely knew he’d be going away for a long time after committing this heinous crime. However, while in custody, he was his victim may have left him with something he couldn’t get rid of – and that’s when he collapsed. How do you feel about this? Check Comments

“A British man, Richard Thomas, 27, was sentenced to five years and four months in prison for ra ping a sleeping woman in her home. The shocking cr ime took an unexpected turn when Thomas was informed while in custody that he may have contracted HlV from his victim, causing him to coIIapse upon hearing the news.

Thomas admitted he had been drinking heavily and using cocaine and ecstasy on the night of the assauIt. He claimed to have little memory of the incident but accepted the woman’s account, saying, “If she says I’ve done it, I’ve done it.”

Police revealed that Thomas entered the woman’s home uninvited, went to her bedroom, and assauIted her while she slept. She awoke to find him r aping her but froze in fear. After the assauIt, Thomas left without saying a word.

Judge Mark Brown sentenced Thomas for the “dreadful of fense” and placed him on the S.ex Offenders Register for life. Thomas, who has a history of d.rug and aIcohoI abuse starting at age nine, expressed remorse but struggled to understand his actions.

The possibility of HlV infection loomed over Thomas as he awaited test results. His lawyer, Virginia Hayton, offered little sympathy, stating, “It’s his own fault. If he hadn’t committed this of fense, he wouldn’t be in this position.””

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