All his friends laughed when they saw him living in an 8 square meter house. But when they saw inside, they felt ashamed. See the amazing footage of the house that costs as much as an Iphone: – Check the c0mments👇👇

Luke Thill, a 13-year-old from Iowa, amazed his friends when he revealed the miniature house he built in his backyard. While his peers were focused on school or sports, Luke dedicated himself to constructing his dream home for the cost of a smartphone.

Inspired by minimalism and tiny homes, Luke raised funds by mowing lawns, hosting fundraisers, and doing odd jobs. After a year of hard work, he gathered the materials needed, with 75% of the house made from recycled materials, including supplies from his grandmother’s home.

The 89-square-foot house has electricity but no plumbing. Luke’s father, Greg, supported the project but insisted Luke cover most costs to teach valuable life lessons. Luke’s story, shared through YouTube, has since inspired many, showing that with determination and creativity, dreams can come true.

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