“I Was Dead For Six Minutes And Went To Heaven—Here’s What I Saw” 👇😨

The idea of life after death appears in many religions and philosophies, with beliefs ranging from reincarnation to the end of consciousness. However, the scientific community remains inconclusive.

Julie Poole, a self-described spiritual guru, recently shared her near-death experience (NDE) after a difficult past marked by abuse. In her 20s, Julie attempted suicide and claims that during this time, she visited a “spirit realm” resembling heaven.

“I saw my guides and angels who told me, ‘It’s not your time,’” Julie recalled. After three days, she returned to her body but remembered messages from the spirits.

Julie says the spirits spoke of a coming “Golden Age” for humanity between 2012 and 2032, where corruption and abuse of power would end, giving way to equality and truth.

“The corrupt are being exposed and removed, making room for those with pure hearts,” she explained.

Julie believes this transformative era is approaching, offering hope for a more just and balanced world.

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